Posted By: jbaloun / |
Have you avoided pursuing temporary employment because you think it’s for entry-level workers or college students looking for a summer job? It’s true that many companies hire temporary employees with these attributes, but more and more companies are looking to fill temporary positions with more experienced professionals when they need an extra team member with a specialized skill or time-intensive assignment. Temporary employment can help professionals with various career goals and experience levels.
Here are 5 reasons why you should consider temporary employment:
1. It offers flexibility
For those who are looking for a better work/life balance, temporary employment might be your answer! You can still reap the benefits of employment by receiving a steady paycheck and getting the satisfaction that comes with working, but with a lot less stress and time commitment. This means you can devote more time to pursuing a degree, spending time with you family, traveling and volunteering!
2. You’ll get a variety of assignments
If you’re unsure of the type of work you want to do, lack experience in your desired profession or are not ready to make a commitment to a specific career, then temping for a few months to a year might be your best option. Temporary work gives you the opportunity to work in a wider range of assignments with various companies. You will have to opportunity work on several different types of projects that will not only allow you to hone your skills and make yourself more marketable to employees, it will also help you decide which direction you want to steer your career.
3. It can ease a life transition
Whether you are just graduating college or have moved to a new city, temporary employment gives you away to learn about the business community you’ve moved into. As a temporary worker you will be able to experience the work environment at several companies before you commit to a full-time job.
4. You’ll build your network
Think of temporary employment as a very effective way to network. When you take a series of assignments at different companies, you add colleagues, office managers and other professionals to your circle. Nurture and build upon these relationships and you’ll be able to move into your desired expertise and career when the time is right.
5. A job is better than no job!
While a temporary gig may be vastly unrelated to your work history, it beats unemployment and having a résumé blanketed with long gaps in between jobs. Use a temporary job as a way to earn a paycheck and fill up resume gaps while you continue to search for a more permanent position. Even if the employment is not exactly what you want, it has some value in terms of the labor market.
Whatever your goals may be, temporary employment is one of the best tools to help you reach them. It can help you grow your skill set, gain valuable experience, meet the right people and fill resume gaps. Think of it as a way to open the door to your dream job! Get started today by looking at our current temporary jobs!