
It goes without saying that every staffing agency needs to sell. Whether you handle the sales yourself or have a sales staff working for you, you’re making an investment in sales. And like other investments, you want to maximize production. Obviously, you’ll need great salespeople, who can be wickedly… Read More


When it comes to retaining your top talent and avoiding constant turnover, you need to plan ahead. People are no longer staying at companies for 20, 10 or even 5 years anymore. This is partly due to millennials making up a larger percentage of the workforce and their tendency to “job-hop.” Job hopping can be caused by many things: Whether it’s boredom, desire for better pay or a career chang Read More


There are over 5 million job-related searches every month on Google alone. This high density online traffic can easily be taken advantage of in staffing management. By optimizing your job postings for search engines you can generate more prominence in search engine results, expose your company to larger amounts of traffic… Read More


Managing your staff effectively is important, of course, especially if you're running a staffing business, yourself. Many companies obsess about recruiting and retaining the right people. One factor that is often overlooked is whether the right people are being fired. Worrying about new people joining your organization seems silly if there are current staff members that undermine the team as a who Read More


Some people function perfectly well with limited sleep. Thomas Edison claimed sleep was a waste of time. Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher & Bill Clinton are some famous members of the four-hour club. However, like many entrepreneurs, staffing management professionals like you often have a thousand things on their minds in the evening: thoughts of running teams and companies; making payroll; growing Read More


Just because your business is a people-centric enterprise such as staffing management doesn’t mean you can afford to ignore the opportunities for efficiencies and growth presented by digital technologies. Here are four major digital trends for 2013 you should be considering taking advantage of, if you aren’t already: 1. Tablets,… Read More


If you’re managing a staffing business you may have come to the conclusion that traditional marketing methods newspaper, radio and TV advertising, trade shows, etc. don’t deliver like they used to. You’re not alone, of course. People aren’t consuming media or making purchasing decisions like they used to. And marketing… Read More